ABOUT MSC Girls futures
We have opened Spring 2024 registration for girls born in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017. We are excited about the upcoming season and to have a home location for the girls at Crossbar - 250 W 86th St, and the MLK HS Outdoor Turf.
Throughout the season, we will provide your player with a fun, engaging, and active environment to develop and learn the game. Please read through the important information below and share it with family and friends in the community.
MSC Girls Futures
- U4-U7 - Players born in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
- Maximum nine players per session
Spring 2024
Beginning April 1, Mondays at Crossbar Soccer Center 250 West 86th St (Downstairs Turf)
- Monday - 10 sessions Crossbar $450
Beginning April 3, Wednesdays at Crossbar Soccer Center 250 West 86th St (Downstairs Turf)
- Wednesday - 11 sessions Crossbar $495
Beginning April 7, Sundays at MLK HS Outdoor Turf. 122 Amsterdam Ave
- Sunday - 10 sessions MLK HS $450
For more details about the MSC Girls Futures Program, please get in touch with Shari Eckstrom at shari.eckstrom@manhattansc.org
For more details about registration, don't hesitate to get in touch with Paul Nicholas at paul.nicholas@manhattansc.org
All of our sessions are designed around ball mastery. Ball Mastery or technical skill is a player's ability to control the ball quickly and close to their foot. All sessions are oriented around maximizing each player's foot contact with the ball. In each session, they will learn something new or go over something they have already learned to refine their technique. Our coaches aim to get players to love manipulating the ball with their feet while playing fun games. While the children are playing these games, they are steadily developing key attributes they will need if they choose to play competitive soccer. The more a player touches the ball, the better they will be when in possession of the ball.
This program is an introductory period for children, which is why we are committed to creating a nurturing atmosphere for our youngest players. A positive, distraction-free environment is key to developing player's confidence and willingness to take chances without fear of failure. Confidence is another key foundation for young players. When they master possession of the ball their confidence will grow. This age group is not only about player development but also social development as they are learning how to become teammates while playing a sport they enjoy. Players are expected to learn at their own pace and capacity. We just want them to have FUN while playing soccer.